First Glass & Mirror has over 20+ enthusiastic team members that fullfill our clients need in the last 10 years with their hands-on experiences and finest quality product they produce.
With over 10,000 square feet of manufacturing facilities and a newly renovated showroom is meant to fulfill your need with quality and ingenuity work.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, feugiat delicata liberavisse id cum, no quo maiorum intellegebat, liber regione eu sit. Mea cu case ludus integre, vide viderer eleifend ex mea.
His ay diceret, cum et atqui placerat.
Alan Snow - Vision Corp.
Claritas est etiam processus dynamicus, qui sequitur mutationem consuetudium lectorum. Mirum est notare quam littera gothica, quam nunc putamus parum claram.
Rick Hammer - Globe Corp.
Please contact us
TEL:647-351-8867 647-352-8866
Company introduction
First Glass & Mirror Inc.
Our Team
First Glass & Mirror has over 20+ enthusiastic team members that fullfill our clients need in the last 10 years with their hands-on experiences and finest quality product they produce. Through creativity, knowledge, and craftsmanship, we has the capacity to undertake your unique project regardless of complexity.
Our Equipment
First Glass has an on-site manufacturing and design facility, allowing our craftsmanship to be backed by advanced technological equipment and ensuring all of our products are made with a high level of quality control and assurance.
Our Facility
With over 10,000 square feet of manufacturing facilities and a newly renovated showroom is meant to fulfill your need with quality and ingenuity work.
Our Designs
Our in-house equipment allows our skilled tradesmen to create your custom designs with elaborate finish and compositions that are produced with automation, speed and precision.